Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sal Tlay Ka Siti (sound it out)

Can anyone guess what I'm holding in the photo above? For those who can't make it out from the blurry pic, it's Salt Lake City's own Polygamy Porter. I really enjoy inappropriate merchandise, and this fit the bill. During our Sundance trip this year (posted about here) we made a quick stop to Salt Lake City's local Wal-Mart before heading off to Park City. It's been years since I've lived near a Wal-Mart and I always try to finagle a trip to the budget superstore whenever I'm in the vicinity of one. That's when I found this gem of a six pack. Unfortunately, we didn't purchase it, so I can't tell you how Polygamy Porter tastes. But I bet it's full of Mormon-y goodness.

The Wal-Mart trip was made possible as we rented a van this time around, something I was nervous about since we'd be driving on snowy mountains. However, Elan hails from Canada and he assured us he could handle the wheel. This was more or less true (we did come out of it alive) but there were some hairy moments. Sorry Elan! What I meant was, Elan never once made me think I was going to careen off an icy cliff to my death.

Elan had an ulterior motive to the van renting, I believe, as he has a slightly unhealthy obsession with Yelp. As such, he arrived in the great City of Salt Lake with a wish list of restaurants to visit. This is a common occurrence when traveling with Elan, and sometimes it works out nicely. Case in point: Red Iguana. Red Iguana was featured on the Food Network show "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives." The "dives" part of the title certainly fit the Iguana. Here's what it looks like from the outside:

However, the food was delicious! (Read more about it here.) The place specializes in mole, and we tried a bunch of them. Pumpkin mole, chocolate mole, kitchen sink mole...you get the idea. So, thank you Elan, for being an intense Yelp stalker.

Since this has been an Elan-centric post, here's a video to cap it off. When we went snow tubing in 2010, we took a video of Elan screaming like a maniac all the way down the hill. Unfortunately, the video didn't come out. This year, I attempted to take the video again and, true to form, accidentally hit the off button once the actual tubing started. However, check out Elan's face here as he readies himself to fight that hill once again. He looks uber serious...

Also, has anyone seen the new musical "The Book of Mormon" on Broadway? It's written by Matt Parker and Trey Stone of "Southpark" fame, and it's really good. It's about two missionaries from Utah who go to Africa to share the word of God. It's a very funny musical, and also surprisingly heartfelt. Below is a video of one of my favorite songs, "Sal Tlay Ka Siti." Get it, Salt Lake City? It's sung by Nikki James, who's been nominated for a Tony for her performance, and is about what a magical place she believes Salt Lake City to be. It's very sweet...enjoy!


  1. More multi-media posts! This was great!

  2. Thanks, lol, I'll try to add as many bad videos as possible!
