Tuesday 23 August 2011

Earthquake II: Revenge of the Quake

I hail from Florida. As such, my only knowledge of earthquakes comes from the Universal Studios ride of the same name. With such a vast amount of know-how under my hat, I've never given much thought to how I'd react if actually caught in one of the things. Living in DC now, I assumed I could operate under the same ignorance. Who's ever heard of earthquakes at the White House?

My inexperience was the scariest part of the earthquake that hit DC today: I had absolutely no idea what to do about it. First of all, this is an earthquake was the last thing I thought of when the shaking began. It followed a list of ideas such as:

1.) My neighbor is doing some thorough renovating.
2.) A rogue wave is sweeping the city, threatening to drown us all.
3.) The British are coming.

By the time these options had been considered and rejected, the earthquake was over. I can now report that when faced with the possibility of the Earth opening up and swallowing me alive, I stand frozen in indecision. This does little to recommend my chances of surviving an apocalypse.

Here in DC, the day was only slightly disturbed. The Capitol and Pentagon were evacuated. More importantly, our gym was closed, forcing Cory to miss his racquetball game. Here's my best proof that it even happened:

Joking aside, it was pretty unnerving. Thanks to all the family and friends who checked in to make sure Cory and I were both okay!

In other news, we're about to be hit with a hurricane any day now. I thought I left that sort of behavior behind in Florida...call this the week for wonky weather. Fortunately, my upbringing has prepared me for this force of nature, even if DC is right in what my mother calls the projected "cone of death." If I remember correctly from my hurricane party days, a situation like this calls for emergency supplies of beer, cheez doodles and a wave board. Everybody keep your fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. When Barack is rock'in...it's probably a Virginian earthquake followed by a mega hurricane...
