Friday 8 May 2009

Hats Amore!

In an effort to use up a back log of highly unusual photos, I'm starting a weekly feature of themed pics. Let's call it Photo Friday, cause I like alliteration. This week's theme: Funny hats. And no, I have no idea why we have so many...

Rebecca at the London Zoo. We also think it's creepy.

At a vintage shop in Salisbury. Mine has eyelashes.

Not sure why I look like a saloon girl, but what can you do?

At Koko's in Camden. Lauren's piece also had a top hat above the netting. It was fabulous.

Trying on hats in Camden market.

OK, I know Becky and I don't have on head gear here, but we really liked what was happening behind us.

Getting knighted after Stonehenge.

We were celebrating Purim at a pub in Kentish Town. Those leaves were difficult to spray paint. But it was worth it, Rebecca is so Jewish now!

It says Deutschland. Guess where we were...
To see more photos, become my friend on Facebook...just click the button on the side of this page!


  1. i like the new direction of the blog, love ur lashes on the mask also.

  2. is that a stranger in drag in the background or a friend?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
